Add on a massage or specialised touch, technique or modality to your regular skin treatment. Massage is perfect for easing stress and muscle tension. Whilst other techniques give targeted benefits to your skin.
Bespoke your treatment to meet your needs and preferences, a different experience every time.
Each add on is 15 minutes
Pro Power Eye flash, £25
LED Light therapy, £25
Hyaluronic Repair Masque, £15
Contour Masque, £15
Touch Therapy massage, £15 – Back, Scalp, Foot and lower leg, Hand and arm Retinol Accelerator, £15
View the cutting edge treatments offered by Skin and Beauty.
Kerry has over 20 years of experience and has lead the most prestigious clinics. You're in safe hands.
Shop for any and all of your skin care needs.
A specialist Dermalogica stockist offering the latest products tailored to your needs.
The Salon
At Skin and Beauty we strive to provide you with the most up to date treatments, products and education.
Take a virtual tour of the professional salon and learn all about your Skin therapist.